For 2021, I have decided to be more purposeful in following conspiracy theories and narratives of sovereign citizens. I set up some searches and subscribed to a couple subreddits. The past month has been incredibly interesting. Here are a couple of stories from AmIBeingDetained:
An individual was arrested in New Hampshire for using “Private” tags. They posted their misdemeanor penalty notice online for advice.
An individual posted a recording of their traffic court hearing on Youtube.
Another individual talked about the “magical paperwork” patriots can send to debtors to discharge the debts.
A sovereign citizen filed a lawsuit against Whole Foods regarding their mask rules. The best part: They spelled preliminary as “preplimary”.

A Moorish individual posted their “Passport Travel Card” online.
A screenshot from Facebook where an individual explains “tort”.
Any interesting postings from sovereigns recently? Send them my way.
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