On May 10, the Pentagon will release a report detailing their investigation into the death of four U.S. soldiers who were killed in Niger. The incident happened in October 4, 2017 outside of Tongo Tongo, Niger. The four US solders, Staff Sgt. Bryan Black, Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson, and Sgt. La David Johnson, were killed along with four Nigerien soldiers and an interpreter. This Tongo Tongo ambush was perpetrated by the Islamic State (IS), an organization supported by Nigeria-based Boko Haram.

The West Point Combating Terrorism Center today released a report on Boko Haram, which focused on the details about this organization. Check it out: https://ctc.usma.edu/boko- haram-beyond-headlines- analyses-africas-enduring- insurgency
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