Learning from Credible Voices on the Sovereign Citizen Movement

The Department of Psychology at Fort Hays State University supports the practice of protection for human subjects participating in research. You are being asked to participate in a research study.  It is your choice whether or not to participate. The following information is provided for you to decide whether you wish to participate in the present study. You may refuse to agree to this consent and not participate in this study. You should be aware that even if you agree to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time. If you do withdraw from this study, it will not affect your relationship with this unit, the services it may provide to you, or Fort Hays State University.

The study’s purpose is to better understand the sovereign citizen movement.

If you decide to participate in the study, the researcher will conduct an unstructured interview of you. They will ask questions relating to your former activity with the sovereign citizen movement, including how you first learned about it and what was the appeal. The study design can involve multiple interviews in order to better understand sovereign citizens if you agree to them.

  • Identity Protection. The researcher will provide you with a codename for your protection. They will document any information you provide to this codename only.
  • Legal Protection. The researcher will not ask about any current illegal activity you are involved in or know about. They will not document any information you provide related to current illegal activity.
  • Associate Protection. The researcher will not ask for any names of any associates. They kindly ask that you do not disclose any of that information. They may ask for the relationship of any associate to you, and they will document this relationship in a coded fashion to prevent any individual from identifying the person.

If you decide to participate in this research study, you will be asked to verbally assent to this consent after you have had all of your questions answered and understand what will happen to you. The length of time of your participation in this study is about 20 minutes, but you may participate further if you would like. Approximately 25 participants will be in this study.

The interview will not be recorded. The researcher will document the interview on a password protected computer.

When you begin the interview, the researcher will obtain your verbal assent to participation in the study.

This study will ask you about your former participation in the sovereign citizen movement. It is highly unlikely that participation in this project will result in harm to participants. Sometimes talking about former involvement in a group may cause you to become anxious or upset. You do not have to talk about any subjects you do not want to talk about, and you may stop participating at any time. If you feel distressed or feel any discomfort by participating, the researcher will provide you with information regarding a free crisis hotline.

You will receive no benefits from participating in this study.

You will not receive any monetary compensation for participating in this study.

Your name will not be associated in any publication or presentation with the information collected about you or with the research findings from this study. Instead, the researcher will use a codename rather than your name. Any incidentally collected identifiable information will not be shared unless (a) it is required by law or university policy, or (b) you give written permission.

The researcher has taken steps to protect your identity, including using a ProtonMail email account and a Google Voice number. You are free to contact the researcher using a fake or throw-away email account and/or a method to anonymize your phone number (e.g., *67 or 67#).

By agreeing to this consent form, you give permission to use the information you provide related to your former activity in the sovereign citizen movement for purposes of this study at any time in the future.


  • Withdrawal from the study: You may choose to stop your participation in this study at any time. Your decision to stop your participation will have no effect on you.
  • Funding:  There is no outside funding for this research project.


You are not required to verbally agree to this Consent and Authorization form. You may refuse to do so without affecting your right to any services you are receiving or may receive from Fort Hays State University or to participate in any programs or events of Fort Hays State University. However, if you refuse to sign, you cannot participate in this study.

You may withdraw your consent to participate in this study at any time. You also have the right to cancel your permission to use and disclose further information collected about you, in writing, at any time, by sending your written request to:

Dr. Darin Challacombe
Department of Psychology
Fort Hays State University
Hays, KS 67601

If you cancel permission to use your information, the researcher will stop collecting additional information about you. However, the research team may use and disclose information that was gathered before they received your cancellation, as described above.

Questions about procedures should be directed to the researcher listed at the end of this consent form.

I have read this Consent and Authorization form. I have had the opportunity to ask, and I have received answers to, any questions I had regarding the study. I understand that if I have any additional questions about my rights as a research participant, I may call (785) 628-4349, write the Office of Scholarship and Sponsored Projects (OSSP), Fort Hays State University, 600 Park St., Hays, Kansas 67601, or email irb@fhsu.edu.

I agree to take part in this study as a research participant. By my verbal assent, I affirm that I am at least 18 years old and that I have received a copy of this Consent and Authorization form.

To participate, please email me at darinjay@protonmail.com or text me at 862-243-5358.

Dr. Darin Challacombe
Principal Investigator
Department of Psychology
600 Park St.
Fort Hays State University
Hays, KS 67601