Metaanalysis on Disengagement Reasons

Windisch, Simi, Sott Ligon, and McNeel (2017) provide a unique metaanalysis on disengagement studies. Expanding beyond the typical terrorism disengagement, Windisch et al. (2017) discuss the gamut including disengagement from religious cults, street gangs, and nonviolent social movements. While there are multiple, independently personal factors to bring about these disengagements, most happen because of disillusion, positive social relations (of people not in the group), and disapproval of the group’s behavior.

Windisch, S., Simi, P., Sott Ligon, G., & McNeel, H. (2017). Disengagement from ideologically-based and violent organizations: A systematic review of the literature. Journal for Deradicalization, 72.